June 3, 2022

Move Closer to Home (Bamidbar/Shavuos)

Besides for the price, there is a major difference between those who sit in the bleachers at a baseball game and those who sit closer to home plate. In this week's version of The Torah Sparks Podcast, the host discusses a powerful baseball parable and how it offers us an inspirational message for the upcoming holiday of Shavuos.

Check out the Torah Sparks website at https://www.torahsparks.com/ for the latest podcasts and weekly blog posts.

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BH I am excited to announce the launch of my forthcoming book with Mosaica Press. The book "Ready. Set. Grow" is NOW AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER, check it out here: https://mosaicapress.com/product/ready-set-grow/

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